lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

The Garden Party

Hi! We are Andrea, Alberto and Helena. The scene is from The Garden Party from The -garden Party and other stories, from page 16 to 18. Hope you enjoy it!

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

My trip to Madrid: The Lion King

It was Tuesday. I was really excited about the musical The Lion King. All the day was awesome. We went to Toledo, and we walk a lot. We were extremely tired after the long walk. I like Toledo, and it’s the second time I’ve gone.

After Toledo we have free time to buy and eat in Gran Via. I went with a group to Puerta del Sol, where we take a picture with the fascinant Jack Sparrow.

Then, arribe the time I was patiently waiting, The Lion King. When the lights turn off and the curtains were opened I really was like a little girl with her favourite sweet. 

domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

My classmate links

I leave here my classmate links to some of their blogs:

Hope you enjoy the blog! :) xoxo

My favorite celebrity: Joshua Jackson

I haven’t got any favourite celebrity, but I’ve chosen Joshua Jackson.

His real name is Joshua Carter Jackson. He was bon the 11th of June, 1978. He is a Canadian American actor. He has appeared in over 32 film roles.

I listened about him when I was little. The first time I saw him was in the tv show Dawson’s Creek as Peacey Witter. I really liked, and like, his role. Peacey is a sweet boy that in his child passed very bad moment. He is in love with Joey Potter (Katie Holmes).

Now he appears in Fringe as Peter Bishop. I admire Peter Bishop. In a first moment he is really rude, but when the season progresses he becomes a good man that has cure of his father, a crazy doctor, Walter Bishop.

I thing he is a good actor, and it’s seen in all the roles he has had.

My social life: my friends

My friends and my family are all for me. Without them I wouldn’t be who I am. I’m here because of them. They are all for me. They are a family.

In my free time I try to pass all the possible time with them. But I try to do the things I like to do too, like read, listen music, write… I try to split the time, but it’s too difficult when I have exams and homework. By the way, I try it.

I love read mystery, love and sci-fi books. My favourite saga is The Hunger Games. It has all the things I like, mystery, love and sci-fi. There are three books. I’ve got so involved that I read it in a week.

But my free time with my friends is always memorable. Everyday is different with them. I can talk about all with them, and they listen to me. We can talk about whatever. We go to the cinema, and always pass something that makes us laugh for days. Even the most insignificant and ridiculous thing we do is special. With them, time flies. One day we passed two hours listening music and singing, we don’t realized the time it was until we were called.

And this summer I met new friends with those who I try to chat when I have time. In a few days, they become very important to me. I have to recognize, that this year, since the 1st of January, I met amazing people.

Definitely, I have no words to describe them. Because they mean a lot to me, and, despite I know the next year the things are going to change because we’re going to start university, I hope we continue having contact.

I love my friends, family and what I do.

My interests: things I do in my life

Music is all for me. Music is the only one that is there when nobody is. Is the only one who understands me.
Music is very important in my life. Thanks to the music I’ve could overcome the obstacles. Thanks to the music I’m ready to jump the fence. Since the first second of the day I listen music, I wake up with music. Music is the best friend. Music is with you when nobody is.

Dance is my other passion. I love dance. With dance I express all my feelings. Dance is something I can do thanks to the music. I dance since I was little, but I discovered what dance means to me when I was 13 years old. I go to hiphop classes every Friday, and I like go to rehearsals. The classes are funny. We laugh a lot. And I love musicals.

I have to recognize that I’m an addicted to the series and films too. Two of my favourites series are The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Fringe and Supernatural. And my favourite film is Letters to Juliet. I watch the tv all the afternoons and nights of the weekend, and I watch it with my parents and my brother.

And my last interest is reading. I love read, but I can do always I want. When I read more is on summer, when I haven’t got school, homework and exams. My favourite writer is Federico Moccia, an Italian writer of love stories. He really knows how to write. And my favourite books are The Hunger Games. A storie about two boys that fight for the rights, peace and love.

martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

Auryn, my favorite band

I like a lot of bands like Carlos SimónOne Direction, McFly, Jonas Brothers, Melocos, Varsity Fanclub, the BaseballsJesse McCartney… But I’m going to talk about Auryn.

Auryn is a Spanish boyband composed of five boys, Álvaro Gango, Blas Cantó, Carlos Marco, David LaFuente and Dani Fernández. The kind of music that thay play is indie pop and British pop.

The name of the group refers to The Never Ending Story written Michael Ende. With British-influenced, Auryn have done collaborations with artists like The Wanted, Ruth Lorenzo, Virginia Labuat…

Before the union of the band, every member have joined the music world since they were childs.

Auryn participated in “Destino Eurovision 2011” and they were finalists. Since then, they have worked hard and they released their first CD on 18th of October. They have win an award (Best álbum novel) on a TVE program “El Disco del año 2011”.

Their first single of Endless Road 7058 is Last Night On Earth. It were numer one on iTunes the first week.

I like this band since the first day I listened them. They are normal boys that have been fighting for their dream and they haven’t stopped. They are constant and they’ve greatly improved in a year.

Another thing in their favor is their character. They are always are nice, and they do everything possible to stay in contact with their fans, the Auryners, for this reason they did a little tour beafore release their album, in this tour they went to some places in Spain and to London. Now they are ready to start the Endless Road 7058 tour. And they did a camp, named My Camp Auryn. As it had more exit, they are goingo to do another in 2012.

Thanks to them, I’ve known fantastic people and when Auryn do a concert, we always have a good time. And sometimes we meet together. Now, we are like a fan family. They are good friends, and this year have been one of the best next to them.

And if you like music, I think they are more better at live, because they put all their forces and energies, and they sing from the heart. 

I love their music because when they sing I forget all the problems.